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Vehicle ERP Crebit is an database that helps you verify whether or not a vehicle has been reported as stolen or missing.
Vehicle ERP Crebit is an database that helps you verify whether or not a vehicle has been reported as stolen or missing.
Take a wise decision and choose a partner for the ERP run/ journey. Software development is an evolution process, it cannot be done successfully in a single go, it takes time to assess and prepare a high end system. The success rate is directly depends on the versions it get released and with number of customers for the product. Ex: See the evolution process of Microsoft Windows, Android technology etc. - Track record of the product and the company: Credibility of the company and its product are to be analyzed / verified well before signing a contract with them. Be specific in asking for the client details and their respective products purchased. Do not fall prey to companies those who show the list of their other products clients (hardware clients, language lab clients, smart board clients, etc). - The quality and quantity of support and assess the time taken for resolving a break down or any concerns. - Stability: How long they are established and the stability of staff, stability of phone numbers, and stability of company location are important. The services for a custom made packages need to come from the developer. - Flexibility of product and company: The detailed study of product and match your requirement through it and see a comfortable sail. Ensure you are preparing the POC( proof of Concept ) before taking over the software. - Reference: Referrals from quality clients will be useful in decision making. It will be wise to take opinions from Principals and /or Bursars of institution, who are open to technological advancements. Please remember the negative opinion can also be projected from few staff who are finding it difficult in managing the software tool.
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